Fayette SDA Church


Graduation Ceremony

By Michelle Thompson


On May 4, 2024, at 6:00 pm, family and friends gathered at the Fayette SDA Church to celebrate the Education Department’s annual graduation ceremony. The class of 2024 consisted of twenty-one graduates ranging from Kindergarten to the Post Graduate Level. They included an interesting lineup of siblings, a mother-son duo, a father-daughter duo, best friends, the Pastor’s daughter, and a veteran teacher. As Sir Edward Elgar’s "Pomp and Circumstance" played in the background, the graduates proudly marched in and took their seats in the front pews. The program began with an invocation by Dr. Izear Feagins followed by words of welcome from the Education Director, Bridgette Presley. After the congregation lustily sang "Onward Christian Soldier", the class of 2024 was officially introduced through a slideshow.

    At the end of the slide show, the keynote speaker was introduced by Bridgette Presley. She was none other than our very own Rachel Griffiths, a graduate of Oakwood University. During her address, Rachel spoke about her educational accomplishments at Oakwood University. She made it clear that graduating Summa cum laude was only possible because she allowed the Lord to lead her. She encouraged the graduates to trust God and pray before taking their next steps because He knows what is best for them.

    At the end of the speech, the graduates took center stage once more to receive their awards presented by Becky Sharpe. As the names were called, cameras flashed, and roars resonated around the room as proud family and friends made their presence known. When all twenty-one graduates had been recognized, words of acknowledgment were spoken by Bridgette
Presley after which Pastor Harvey closed with the prayer of dedication. Before the recessional hymn was played, one final photograph of the class of 2024 was taken, and with that another graduation ceremony was ushered into history.


Full List of Graduands:

Rosie Griffiths

Zachary Rimmer

Dominique De Jonge

Tyreek Murray

Accalia Blake

Kristashay Harvey

Michael Edwards

Ethan Mooring

Olwaseyi Aina

Bronwen Feagins

Jodon Redley

Alexia Levy

Alexander Lawrence

Josiah Baako

James Smith

Temilola Aina

Frederique Dormus

Michael Francis

Isaiah Griffiths

Shannon Ashton-De Jonge

Dr. Cheryl Thompson-Smith



Photos by Sarah-Michelle Edwards

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